
spring play, spring 2019, Prom 2019, branding 2019 104

Welcome! We all walk different roads in life. Our path includes cattle ranching. Here you will find my blog on living life on the land, recipes that we’ve used, low stress cattle handling techniques and other helpful tidbits. Our motto is: We let cows be cows. I hope to share with you our adventures and inspire you to live your own–whether that includes ranching or not. After visiting here, hopefully you’ll understand more of our heart and our desire to promote agriculture as a sustainable industry. I’ll be growing this sight regularly, so please don’t hesitate to follow me or visit again. Happy Trails!

Be sure and check out Progressive Cattleman’s website. You’ll find great info, tips, funny quips, as well as the best in industry standards.   www.progressivecattle.com

Check out some of my articles for Progressive Cattleman:

Cowboy Stress 

The Remodel 

The Intern–Having our adult daughter be a guinea pig for an internship program

HONOR–A Tribute to Baxter Black

What Farm Was He On?

One of These Things are Not Like the Other…

It Has Potential! 

A Cowboy Without Cows

The Newbie–what it was like for me when I first entered agriculture…

Cattle New Year’s Resolution–what does a cow want?

Defining Success: Does my ranch measure up?

Across the Fence–Loving the boundaries we have

When a cowboy takes a vacation

Pour it on Properly

I’m not yelling at you, I’m yelling at the cow…the crosshairs of cattle vocabulary

How do we support the younger generation?

Rancher Get Rich Fixes

Cowboy Classification

Time is a Commodity, So Sneak Away!

Living a Legacy

Ridiculous Headlines–Remember our ranches are headlines to someone!

Click here for my monthly column, Across the Fence, in Progressive Cattleman:

Tired Attire

Cowboy Food


A Real Christmas

What I Wish I’d Known

Weather and Our Favorite Cows

Growth in Rural America

If Land Could Talk

Christmas Edition: Siri or Alexa for Christmas? 

Tension–Living in the pull between achieving goals and working toward them.

Gratitude on Independence Day

The Cowboy’s Legacy–He’s Still Ticking

The Hats a Rancher Wears

14 thoughts on “Home

  1. Marci, I would like to reprint your article, Discovering your design, with your permission in our ranch newsletter. Your words struck a chord with each member of our family. Thank you! Our newsletter goes out to our customers. Please let me know if you would mind my reprinting it with credit to you and Progressive Cattle. Thank you! Best Regards, Kim Harms

    1. Thank you so much for connecting with me! I’m honored. I appreciate you asking permission and I’m so glad that the article struck a chord. Yes, you may use the article for your newsletter as long as you state that it originally was published in Progressive Cattleman and provide a link. I emailed you as well. Thanks!

  2. Arnold Graybill

    Marci, I was speaking today at our small congregation, with love and Christ’s birth as the theme. I was looking for a Christmas picture to open up with, and I chose the one of your three children helping you make sweet rolls on Christmas morning. For some reason, the joy in their faces spoke Christmas to me, so I put the picture up on the screen. I mentioned your column and the Progressive Cattleman paper, so I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. I have enjoyed following your ranching life through your articles, and hope the best for you and your family. Like you said in the article “Those smiles!”

  3. You didn’t do anything wrong at all! I’m honored that you would use the photo. Thank you for crediting Progressive Cattleman. Many blessings on you as we celebrate the wonder & joy of Christ’s birth!!

  4. Mike Sykes, Stratford Oklahoma

    Just came in from sorting cows and calves, always look for your writing in the progressive cattlemen. We are so blessed to have you, who knows so well about our lives and gives our Lord the credit!!

  5. Marilou

    Marci, you might enjoy South Poll Cattle (Teddy Gentry bred Barzona, Hereford, Red Angus, and Senapol to develop them) and the regenerative ranching system of Managed Intensive Rotational Grazing. Blessings, Marilou

    1. Lovely to hear from you! We love regenerative practices and we use rotational grazing on our place. We’ve heard of South Poll Cattle–wonderful cattle genetics, especially for warmer climates. I don’t know that they would appreciate our extreme winter temps (sub-zero) and long winters. Snow is possible September 10-May 31–but we’ve even had snow in June, so you never know. Blessings to you, Marilou.

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