Photo by Skylar Kang on

We had a plan.

You ever have a plan?

Yeah, a plan. That we thought was divine–literally and figuratively. We thought we were doing what God wanted for us and I thought I’d have this amazing news to share.

I was waiting to share it because we were waiting to cross what we thought was the final T.

And then…Road Block.

It didn’t happen.

We sold our house, our cows, our equipment because we were so excited about a possibility in a different state and we needed to be ready to roll. Long story short, we prepared for a situation we thought was concrete and it wasn’t.

It messed with us a little bit. We were SO disappointed.

After a bit of time of grieving, we are looking at new options. It feels different because we spent so many months picturing something else. However, God is always good. The way He does things may surprise us, but He never leaves us. He has something good–for all of us! You, too!

Since we are back in the preliminary stages of options, I can’t reveal much info about possibilities yet. But they are out there! And they are new things to be excited about.

When we sold our ranch, we didn’t do it out of necessity. We were making money. Managing well. It was about an opportunity to be involved in something bigger than ourselves and to help others. We still want to do this and are starting on a very exciting opportunity that I can’t wait to tell you about.

Sometimes road blocks lead to detours that are just as amazing or better than the original route. I will update you soon. In the meantime, what road blocks have you encountered that led to something good?